Partial Client List

Philanthropic Clients:

Abelard Foundation: Board assessment to inform plans for a next phase of philanthropy

Community Foundation for the Alleghenies: Interim coordination of Ohio River Valley Participatory Fund

Fine Fund: Support of donor exploration of new giving area

Fidelity Charitable: Philanthropic advisor for a donor spend-out addressing environmental, public health, and racial equity needs related to climate change in the New York region

The Heinz Endowments: Advice on expanding uses of demographic information in grantmaking; analysis of funder intermediaries in US work on climate change, oil, gas, and petrochemicals

The JPB Foundation: Support of environmental health strategy development and grantee meetings (with JVasi Consulting)

Rachel’s Network: Facilitation of retreat program on communication, case-making, and problem-solving skills for equitable and just environmental philanthropy

Resources Legacy Fund: Funder landscape analysis in support of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Beyond Petrochemicals campaign

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Proposal review; programmatic support on healthy communities and equitable urban infrastructure (with Rebecca Morley Consulting)

Non-Profit Clients:

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments: Interviews to inform design of an antiracism and health equity leadership program

American Public Health Association: Racial equity coaching and workshops for National Environmental Health Partnership Council (with Saathi Impact); coaching on fundraising strategy for Center on Climate, Health, and Equity; “Navigating Philanthropy” workshop for association staff (with Dr. Faith Mitchell)

Consumer Reports: Landscape analysis for the advocacy and partnerships team (with Rebecca Morley Consulting)

Growing Forward Together: Support for strategic planning of new nonprofit creating and advancing trauma-specific education for emerging adults, childbearing and parenting families, and their providers

Health and Environmental Funders Network: Advisor for project to mobilize giving for those most impacted by climate change, including through design of Investing at the Frontlines of Climate Change: A Funder Toolkit on Climate, Health, and Equity; support of leadership transition and funder programming

Medical Society Consortium on Health and Climate Change: Advice and workshop for consortium leadership on navigating philanthropy for work on climate, health, and equity